REVIEW: The Rainbow Man by P.B. Kane

Title: The Rainbow Man
Author: P.B. Kane
Publisher: Rocket Ride Books
Date of Release: November 15th 2013
Pages: 162
Source: *Received from Publisher in exchange for an honest review*

When Daniel Routh, together with friends Jill and Greg, and little brother Mikey, discover a body washed up on the beach after a storm, it’s one of the most exciting things ever to happen on the island of Shorepoint. And, as the man in question slowly recovers, he befriends the inhabitants of this small fishing community one by one. Only Daniel suspects something might be wrong with the newcomer, who cannot remember who he is, nor how he came to be there. To start with, this John Dee (as they label him, short for Doe) brings prosperity and happiness with him, but it isn’t long before the tide begins to turn. Then John begins to worm his way into Daniel’s own family, trying to take the place of his late father, and the teenager knows something must be done. Little does Daniel realise that he’s now involved in one of the most ancient conflicts of all time; one that might decide the fate not only of Shorepoint, but of the entire world.

Full of mystery and intrigue, this story will suck you straight in to how a tight community can fall to pieces in the blink of an eye! The cover... it was his eyes! I love them! So bright and colourful, they immediately represent the rainbow.

What happens when a tight community is slowly pulled apart, piece by piece? Well, on the island of Shorepoint it is isolated from all surrounding life. So when a man is washed up onto their island by the sea, they take a large curious amount of interest in him. Especially Daniel whom is the one to first find him... when he was dead. But as happiness and love is reigned down on the island of Shorepoint, Daniel can't help but have his doubts about John Dee. So what happens when he becomes mixed in a dangerous game of a conflict that has lasted for years?

Daniel is a character who is consistent and driven to solve any problems, no matter what people think of him. He also tries his best to protect his family and friends no matter what, even if it means driving them away. His involvement in the story was key and his theories prompted you to try and solve the mystery alongside him.

The bonds between all characters of the community was interesting to view; how they changed from one personality to another as they were manipulated. Additionally their actions towards their own family members was eye-opening, especially how their bonds changed from close to rather distant.

The mystery and conflict behind his story is incredibly engaging. The way that some of Daniel's thoughts concerning his father always ended in: 'Especially before he...', ah, I just really wanted to know what had happened. The manipulation of the community was interesting to read about, how they turned against each other and acted the opposite of their usual characters gave a thrilling and creepy edge to this story that kept you wanting to read further and allowed you to look deeper into their hidden feelings and personalities.

This is an engaging and thrilling story, testing the friendships and family bonds between all when they are pushed to their limits.


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